Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space
Vket Store: Discover assets tailored for the virtual space

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    Visual effects(Particles)

    Noriben Fireworks (Fireworks particles)

    Published from : 2020/03/20 01:02:48

    Product Details

    ■ Overview These are fireworks made with Unity particles. Can be used in VRChat, cluster, etc. Be careful when using the large size as it can be quite demanding. (The video above is launching more fireworks than usual for sample purposes.) A unique feature is the use of an original shader to make it look like post-process Bloom is applied, even when it's not. Mainly suitable for use in distant views in worlds. ■ Confirmed to work in Unity2019.4.31f1 and Unity2022.3.6f1 Built-in RP & Linear Color environments. Can be used in Unity, VRChat, etc. In unitypackage format. ■ Update History 2019 12/12 V001 Released 2020 03/15 V002 Fixed unnatural disappearance of n_Fireworks_mini 2020 08/01 V003 Increased sparkle in fireworks. Fixed minor artifacts. Fixed material errors when run in mobile environments. 2022/03/11 V004 Support for Single Pass Stereo (Instanced) rendering. Changed folder structure. ■ Description Prefab files are located in the NoribenLunch/NoribenFireworks/Prefabs folder. Adjust the frequency of the fireworks launch using the Emission parameter in the particle system. n_Fireworks medium size n_Fireworks_mini small size n_Fireworks_big large size n_Fireworks_Saturn Saturn-like fireworks

    Terms of Use

    Permitted: Modifications. Use in VRChat, videos (Youtube, Twitter), etc. Commercial use. Not permitted: Secondary distribution. Nuisance behavior, etc. The creator assumes no responsibility for any issues arising from the use of this product. When using it within a company, please purchase the corporate license. (The content is the same.)